Wednesday, October 31, 2018

what is the most Adorable yoga, then you must try Bunny Yoga

Who wants prettiest yoga partner to Enjoy your yoga session - then try Bunny Yoga

                                         Video credit for sunberryfitness youtube channel
  • The world of yoga is taken over by the trends of animals involving in the yoga session, like the Goat yoga,Dog yoga,Cat yoga ,even Horse yoga and now the latest trend is Bunny (rabbit) yoga.
  • In 2015 a British yoga gym started charity benefit for  abandoned rabbit called the charity Bandaids for Bunnies, which became a internet viral trend and rest is history.
  • This trend is just funny idea by Sunberry Gym owner Julia Zu,but after holding only two classes the group surprisingly raised  $1,000.
BUNNY rabbit yoga

  • Some people may think its meaningless internet trend, others may think its for good cause to protect innocent animals from homeless issues.But what i suggest to all is if you are an animal or pet lover , who likes cute rabbit bunnies , then forget about silly trend or noble cause try to have enjoyable and relaxing time with cute little rabbits and awesome yoga session thank you.

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